West Greenville Colleges

  • School
  • College
  • P: laguna
  • C/M: san pablo city
  • green valley subd., san francisco, san pablo city, laguna
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0 Bachelors Degree
0 Master Degree
0 Doctorate Degree
0 Technical/Vocational
0 Certificate/Short Course
0 Online Course

0 Bachelors Degree
0 Master Degree
0 Doctorate Degree
0 Technical/Vocational
0 Certificate/Short Course
0 Online Course
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Average Tuition Fee


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NCR Ranking


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PH Ranking

West Greenville Laguna Colleges is a private insitution founded in San Pablo, Laguna. The school is know for their Technical-Vocational programs like Commercial Cooking, Food and Beverage Services, and Housekeeping. These programs are accredited by the Technical Education and Skills Development (TESDA) and is open to any high school graduate at least 18 years old. National Certificates are also given to students after a successful assessment. The school aims provide affordable training programs and produce globally competitive students ready for employment.

Other Information
Entrance Exam: No
Classes Start At: --N/A--
Term Structure: Semester
Ownership: --N/A--
Religious Affiliation: None
Face to Face Class?: Yes
Offer Online Class?: No
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