7 Important Tips On Preparing for Face-to-Face Classes in the Philippines

If you’ve been keeping up with the latest news about face-to-face classes in the Philippines then you must be aware that DepEd already announced the return of traditional learning in the next school year. Have you started preparing for it? Or do you need help with that? If you think you got it, then that's cool. But if not, then that's what we're here for. We made a list of some of the most important tips to remember when preparing for face-to-face classes in the Philippines this 2022. And with that being said, let’s start.
Top 7 Tips for Face-to-Face Classes in the Philippines
Stay Healthy
We're living in the new normal now, so you need to put extra effort into keeping yourself healthy, or else COVID and other sicknesses will catch up to you. In the days or even weeks leading up to your return to the traditional classroom setting, make sure you get enough rest and eat a lot of nutritious food to keep your immune system strong. If possible, take vitamins and start working out as well, as they can also help in increasing your resistance to various health threats.
Review and Follow the Protocols
Before the resumption of face-to-face classes in the Philippines takes place, it's best to read all the safety protocols that the authorities have set so you’ll know what to do upon reaching the school. And yes, protocols can be a hassle sometimes, but they're there to keep you safe, so you need to guarantee that you'll follow them even if not all of your classmates would.
Always Wear Your Mask
There's currently a slight uptick in cases of COVID-19 here in the Philippines, so you can't let your guard down anytime soon. Always have a mask on whenever you're inside the school campus, especially if you're in a crowded or non-ventilated area.
Bring Your Own Hygiene Kit
The days of sharing hygienic things with your classmates are over. You must have your own hand sanitizer, wipes/tissues, and extra facemasks in your bag whenever you're at school. This will make it easier for you to stay clean and safe.
Don't Use Other People's Things
You must also have all your school supplies and other paraphernalia in your bag, so you don't need to borrow from your classmates. This includes calculators, pens, measuring tools, textbooks, water bottles, and more. But if you really need to borrow other people's things, make sure you use a hand sanitizer before you take and return the item.
Minimize Physical Contact
We get it, you haven't seen some of your closest friends in years, and now that you're finally able to, it will make you want to hug them tightly and never let go. Yeah … don't do that. Not only are you putting yourself at risk of covid exposure but the other person as well. Stick to hand waves, elbow-to-elbow taps, finger hearts, and air hugs for now, even though all of you are most likely vaccinated. Better be safe than sorry!
Final Thoughts
The tips we shared above are some of the most important ones you need to remember when preparing for the reopening of face-to-face classes in the Philippines. Make sure to follow them and your traditional student learning experience will be just fine.
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